Even the strongest swimmer is no match for a Force 8 sea state.
The seas will be unforgiving this weekend, keep back and #staysafe.
Taken yesterday, this footage shows the dramatic rescue of a struggling swimmer in Mounts Bay, Penzance.
Just before 12pm yesterday, Falmouth Coastguard Operations Centre received a report from the Penzance National Coastwatch Institution , who could see a lone swimmer struggling off Albert Pier in Mounts Bay.
The All Weather Penlee Lifeboat had just returned from a training exercise and made their way to the swimmer, who they found struggling in the rough sea conditions – which were a Force 8-9.
Further assistance was requested for the Penlee Inshore Lifeboat who were able to get in closer in the shallower waters. Penzance Coastguard Rescue Team also made their way to the Albert Pier Rock Armour and stood ready with their water rescue equipment in case the swimmer should attempt to exit the sea onto the rocks.
After a few attempts to recover the swimmer, who by now had disappeared several times under the surf, the Penlee Inshore Lifeboat demonstrated excellent seamanship skills in plucking the male swimmer from the water.
They were met by the Coastguard Rescue Team on the Albert Pier Pontoon where he was checked over. Despite his ordeal, he was thankfully only suffering from exposure to the cold elements. After he was warmed up, we advised him on keeping safe at sea and the dangers of swimming alone and in conditions that were not suitable.
We understand that adverse weather is awe inspiring but the dangers are real and should not be underestimated. The seas will be unforgiving in the next few days and we cannot stress enough that piers, rocks, harbours and the water’s edge are not safe places to be when the weather is bad.
We would urge people to think carefully about the risks they take and be extremely careful when near any body of water – whether you’re swimming, sailing, angling, walking or just exploring rocks near the water’s edge. Equally so, no footage, photograph or selfie is worth risking your life for.
Always take a mobile phone with you and if you get into difficulty or you see anyone in trouble on the coast call 999 and ask for the Coastguard
More on this rescue from the RNLI here: http://ow.ly/cdqJ30mNqgT

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